Saturdays Are For the Boys: 5 Years Later

Last Saturday was the 5 year anniversary of Barstool’s Feitelberg’s original Saturdays Are For the Boys tweet that launched a social media frenzy I’m sure everyone remembers. After reminiscing with some friends last week about all the fun we had with that, I decided to write a blog about it this Saturday.

SAFTB will never fail to bring a smile to my face. It was so stupid, but it was so perfect. The summer of SAFTB I just graduated high school and was heading to Columbia, SC in the fall. Naturally, I wanted to be an idiot all summer and live it up with my high school classmates before the world changed in the fall. I’m not going to say that SAFTB “allowed that”, but it definitely gave me and every other college aged kid a dumb-ass, made up, responsibility to make every Saturday the best Saturday of the summer.

Looking back it sounds really stupid. I don’t blame anyone who reads this and thinks of the “Chad/Brad/moronic Fraternity guy” stereotype, because it’s true, but, most people have that part of them in college. Everyone want to make “a movie” from time to time. Everyone gets that itch to make a party memory they’ll never forget at some point in the summer. SAFTB encouraged that just about every Saturday. I mean who doesn’t want to do something crazy after seeing Feits jump out of a plane or jump off of a cliff yelling “Saturdays are for the boys!”. It was contagious. It basically gave every college aged kid a license to be an asshole for one day a week.

If this fad happened today, I’d definitely be the old curmudgeon who looks at every younger kid who picks up that flag as an idiot. No doubt in my mind. But, when I was that age I’m glad I embraced it. It gave me a boat load of memories I’ll never forget. So, maybe it’s not such a bad thing to bring yourself back to that place a few times a summer. Maybe its good for us. Being a dumb kid on occasion isn’t always a bad thing.

It makes me feel so old thinking that was 5 years ago. Which I know makes no sense, considering I’m less than a year out of college. I still have the flag and the t-shirts (shoutout everyone who got the misprinted “Saturdays are for Cocks” shirts). But, I think I’ll make a point to bust one out a few times this summer.

I’ll leave you with Feit’s SAFTB compilation he posts on the anniversary every year, always makes me think of those great memories.

Every once in a while, everyone should have a dumbass Saturdays Are For the Boys Saturday. It’s good for the soul. Cheers!

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